The IUD is one of the most effective long-term use methods of contraception but has a side effect of increased menstrual blood volume. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between the length of use of IUD against hemoglobin levels. The design of this research is analytic correlation with cross sectional approach. Population of 49 AKDR acceptors in Pandanwangi Village Working Area Puskesmas Pandanwangi Malang. The number of samples were 33 respondents. Sampling using stratified random sampling. Data collection uses observation sheets and hemoglobin
levels checks using the GCHb Easy Touch digital stick via home visits. Analysis of this research data using Spearman Rank Correlation. Based on statistical test with α = 0,05 got value of r counted -0,531 with value ρ value 0,023 (ρ = <0,05) which means that Ho rejected means there is relationship between long use of Intrauterine Contraception (IUD) to Hemoglobin Level. Therefore, women with an anemic tendency are not advised to use the IUD contraceptive method.
Keywords: Duration of IUD Use, Hemoglobin Level